While playing the browsergame Seafight you can experience the life of a pirate and paint the oceans red. Complete heavy missions and fight bloody battles against other players. But be sure that your ship is intact and fully armed before facing other pirates. Read more about the free to play pirate browser game Seafight
Seafight is a very popular and free to play browsergame, where you act as a notorious pirate. You are the owner of a corsair which is your home and you will have to protect. You will experience every day life of a pirate firsthand, and this is hard as bone and no picnic at all.

Always be aware of the sea monsters which lurk in the sea, and should be killed by you. Furthermore other pirates are bent on your ship and the prosperity on board, so that you will have to defend it against the attacks of other players. If you have a good power of observation and a talent to act foresightedly this would be a great advantage. To convert your corsair into an impragnable fortification, you should upgrade and improve it step by step. In the beginning you will have to be satisfied with a tiny nutshell, but if you make an effort, you soon may get a big ship with strong plating and heavy cannon.

Arrange a strong crew and fit them with weapons and munitions. A lot of quests are waiting for you in the bar, for accomplishing them you will get valuable points of experience. After you have passed the pirate examination, your sea chart will be widened. Always collect the little, shining points in the water, as these are perls, the highest currency in the game. It is highly recommended to join an alliance as soon as possible as they may support you in fighting and getting a better equipment, bigger ships and more gold.
For sinking computer-controlled ships, the NCPs, you will get gold and points of experience, for bubbling (blubben) ships of your enemies you will only get points of experience. Seafight is an exquisitely designed browsergame with pleasant 3D graphics, which will offer you numberless adventures and exciting action. If you have already been fascinated by pirates during your childhood, you wont be able to drag yourself away from Seafight.

Seafight, the highlight of online pirate browser based games. Play the pirate browser based game Seafight.
Seafight is a very popular and free to play browsergame, where you act as a notorious pirate. You are the owner of a corsair which is your home and you will have to protect. The pirates attacked just as you were coming out of the bay. Arm the cannons!, you yelled, but it was already too late…

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